SRB21566 【巴亞拉魔幻冒險 Bayala:A Magical Adventure】動畫 BD25G 不附粵配 附中文字幕 01碟
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導演:Aina Järvine / Federico Milella
類型:動畫 / 奇幻 / 冒險
製片國家/地區:德國 / 盧森堡
Since the dragons have disappeared magic's vanishing. Hope is raised as Sun-fairy Marween finds an abandoned dragon egg and little Nugur hatches. If dragons get native in Bayala again and all fairies are reconciled, the land can be saved. Princess Surah and her companions are facing an adventurous journey, which leads the fairies far away to the Dragon Mountains and to Surah's stepsister Nuray and the dangerous Shadowqueen Ophira.
Additional Information
音軌 |
德語DTS-HDMA5.1 |
字幕 |
英文 中簡 中繁 |
SRB21566 【巴亞拉魔幻冒險 Bayala:A Magical Adventure】動畫 BD25G 不附粵配 附中文字幕 01碟