SRB20261 【世界大戰 The World Wars】電影 BD25G 不附粵配 附中文字幕 02碟
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導演:John Ealer
編劇:Chelsea Coates / Zachary Herrmann / Claire Lawton / Alec Michod / Jordan Rosenblum / David C. White
主演:唐·哈特曼 / 傑瑞米·雷納 / Jonathan Hartman / Don Meehan / Jacopo Rampini / Nabil Vinas / 科林·鮑威爾 / David Mitchum Brown / Colin Powell / Ian Beyts
類型:劇情 / 歷史 / 戰爭
世界大戰的劇情簡介· · · ·
The World Wars tells the story of three decades of war told through the eyes of various men who were its key players:Roosevelt, Hitler, Patton, Mussolini, Churchill, Tojo, DeGaulle and MacArthur. The series examines the two wars as one contiguous ti...(展開全部)該節目把第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰「串聯起來」,描述了1914年到1945年一條完整的時間線上的故事(一戰時羅斯福、希特勒、佩頓、墨索里尼、史達林、邱吉爾等人還只是30歲左右的年輕人,二戰時已變成風雲人物)。歷史頻道自稱這是「同類節目中首創的敘事手法」。
The World Wars tells the story of three decades of war told through the eyes of various men who were its key players:Roosevelt, Hitler, Patton, Mussolini, Churchill, Tojo, DeGaulle and MacArthur. The series examines the two wars as one contiguous timeline starting in 1914 and concluding in 1945 with these unique individuals coming of age in World War I before ultimately calling the shots in World War II.
- Written by Jiilo_Kim
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英語DTS-HD5.1 |
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英 中簡 中繁 西 |