SRB28286 【風暴大火/ 烽火爆 Firestorm】電影 BD25G 不附粵配 附中文字幕 01碟
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編劇:Chris Soth
主演:豪威•隆 / 斯科特·葛籣 / 威廉·弗西斯 / 蘇茜·愛米斯 / 加溫·桑福德 / 麥克爾·格雷耶斯 / Tom McBeath
類型:動作 / 驚悚
片長:89 分鐘
又名:烽火爆 / 救火奇兵
風暴大火的劇情簡介· · · ·
The plot involves a group of Wyoming State convicts who stage an escape with the help of a smokejumper turned arsonist on the outside. The story begins when Shaye, who had stolen 37 mill...(展開全部)面對森林大火,人們避之唯恐不及,但作為專業救人人員的傑西卻從飛機上跳傘進入火場中心,狂風大作,助長火勢,巨浪般的火焰無情地向傑西和他的夥伴撲來,給人的感覺像是伸出煉獄之中,更糟的是,除了大火,傑西還要面對以義務消防人員面目出現的罪犯。在孤立無援的情況下,滅火,擒凶,救出被扣作人質的鳥類學家珍妮佛,似乎所有不可能完成的重任都一股腦的壓在了傑西等人身上,而時間正一分一秒的過去。。。。。。
The plot involves a group of Wyoming State convicts who stage an escape with the help of a smokejumper turned arsonist on the outside. The story begins when Shaye, who had stolen 37 million dollars four years previously and hidden it in the Wyoming forest, escapes from prison with five other convicts to retrieve the money. They pose as Canadian firefighters and take Jennifer (Suzy Amis), a bird watcher, hostage along the way. Jesse Graves (Howie Long) is a smokejumper, who must find a way to stop Shaye and his group of convicts and save Jennifer at the same time.
音軌 |
英語DD5.1 英語LPCM2.0 |
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英文 中文 中文 |